Elan Kamesar

I invent human figures and explore the expressive psychology that can be found in their self-contained poses.  The hands and gestures create a narrative, sometimes literal and sometimes ambiguous, and my compositions evoke themes of solitude and intimacy.  Whether they are of solitary figures or multiple figures who express a relationship with one another, each piece tells its story in the simplest means necessary.

My work is primarily in linoleum cut and lithography, and I am forever fascinated and mystified by the process of developing imagery through a series of steps on intermediary surfaces to finally arrive at the final piece, untouched directly by my own hand.  When the print is pulled from the press it appears as a surprise, a revelation that transcends the artist’s own conscious efforts throughout the process of its creation.



Email: elan@elankamesar.com

Website: www.elankamesar.com